Thursday, December 10, 2015

Who I was before...and then the accident 12/5/15

  So a brief history of me.  I consider myself fairly active. My family and I take long walks on our local rail trails and in the Catskill Mountains. I love spinning and have been doing the at least twice a week. I should have been going to the gym more but lifting to me is boring. I have done two Warrior Dashes (last one this past summer) and The Insane Inflatable. Also, I and "fluffy".
My hospital job is primarily sedentary but I get up and move and avoid the elevators as much as possible. That was until now. Fast forward to the wee hours of 12/5/15. 
  I woke around 2 am to use the bathroom and then could not get back to sleep. Not wanting to have a cranky boyfriend in the morning I took my phone, pants and pillow and headed down to the couch at 2:50am. Bad move. I missed the last step and down I went. I knew right away it was bad and it was confirmed when I saw the angle of my ankle when he came running and turned on the light. Having many stairs there was no way I was getting to the car so while he got dressed I called 911. 

The tile floor was freezing and I was shivering so bad but the paramedic got a line I and gave me some
Morphine and loaded me up. 
At the local ER it was confirmed I had a dislocated left ankle and 2 fractures. Using conscious sedation they reduced the dislocated and splinted me to above 
my knee. We were home my 7:30 am. Being this was a Saturday morning, my ortho consult was going to have to wait until Monday. 
So I tried to rest Saturday but with all the pain and drugs I could not keep anything down. So Saturday evening he drove me to my hospital and hour away for vomiting and dehydration. I had had no pain meds since 10:45 am.  By the time I got there I was so worked up my entire body was pins and needles. There I receive 2 liters of fluids, IV morphine, reglan, protonix and Benadryl.  Benadryl gives me restless leg so my leg was jumping in the splint. No fun. Went home by midnight and slept so so. 

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