Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 2&3 Sunday and Monday

So Sunday was a whole different world. I felt great finally being able to eat and drink and my pain was under control with Ultram and Advil for breakthrough. I rested and elevated and watched Netflix. SO brought down his daughters twin bed and I was set up in the living room. I was not going to see the 2nd floor for quite a while. 

Monday morning I immediately called my hospitals best ortho/sport medicine doc and got an appointment for 3pm that day. I also was able to borrow from church a walker instead of crutch. Have I said how i hate crutches? 

I switched to a wheelchair when we arrived and we were taken back very quickly. Nurse intake as usual then Dr. C came in. He reviewed my x-ray disk and was extremely happy with the reduction done. He hates it when the ER waits and leaves it for the ortho and causes more damage. He explained the breaks and damage and that I was going to need a plate and screws for the spiral fracture on my fibula. He did not think it necessary to repair the read of the malleolus and the prices was not that large and would not take a screw well unless he created an additional fracture line. I was doing fine with all of this until I asked about recovery and he said that only 1:4 are back to normal in a year. That made me loose it.  He talked to his scheduler and surged was going to be the next day-Tuesday. Yikes! 
I was sent to radiology for a preop CT and them went to visit co workers and show my bosses that I would not be back tomorrow with an air cast. 
So we headed home and got the call with my OR time on the way. Arrived home and got another call asking if I could come in earlier then previously asked as the case before me was on the fence and I might be able to go in sooner.  Sure no problem. Another call with a garbled message came later and when I tried calling back the office was closed. I figured they would call back if it was important. 
So that evening, SO and I discussed all my fears. I had never in my 43 years really broke anything or had any surgery except oral as a kid for braces song was scared. 
I did not sleep great and in the early morning had myself a pity party cry about it all and my loss of independence. 

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